
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Make Your House Look Bigger With the Use of Drapes

Changing your home’s drapes is the simplest yet most cost-effective way to make your home look bigger. All you need is to adjust the positioning, the color, and other factors of your drapes to make an impact on the size of your room or home. 

Matching the Wall to the Drapes

Matching the color of the draperies to the color of wall can make a room appear larger than it is. This is because the eyes do not take a break when it sees colors or patterns that are the same.

High Draperies

Draperies do not need to be confined to the top of the window or the window trim. In fact, you can start at the ceiling itself, no matter how high. If a homeowner would like to have a feel of grandiosity, drawing the eye upwards does the trick. High ceilings connote affluence since only the really wealthy can afford really high ceilings.

Long Draperies

Even if the window is not that long or wide, it is advised that drapes still be kept long to give the sense that the room is bigger and more expansive. Even if a window is well above the floor, make sure that the draperies hit the floor at full length.

With the use of these techniques, you can maximize your budget and visually expand your room by simply spending on new drapes or reattaching and lengthening curtain rods. You will be amazed that with these small tweaks, you can immediately see the difference in your rooms.

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